CPC//challenge one


I’m a part of Carol’s writing cum photography contest- the Cameras & Pens Challenge!

I’m on Team Lavender.



Prompts used:

Related image

I’m using one prompt, since I’d like to bombard this post with bonus photos. (for the points) XD

My poem:

{the river}
I’m sitting
With my bike beside me
With the wind whistling through my ears
I’m sitting
By the river
The clear river
A life giving thing
A home for many
I’m sitting
On a rocky cliff
Listening to the
Constant ripples
of the river
I spend
A peaceful evening
the fresh
and comforting river.

Bonus photos:

Sorry Carol, I went crazy! I have 17 bonus pics XD

Hope you like my poem and photos! Go Team Lavender!

Mirra SignOff

86 thoughts on “CPC//challenge one

  1. Ooh, nice poem, Mirra, and I love your photos too! But GOOOO TEAM ROSE. XD
    Anyway, I also wanted to let you know that it’s your turn for WordCrafters! I sent you an email with a bit more info as well. 😉 I can’t wait to read your chapter! 😀


  2. Hi Mirra! This post is great and I LOVE your poem! I just wanted to let you know, I nominated you for the Awesome Blogger Award. You can see the rules and stuff on my blog if you want to do it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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